Sailing into a whale!

Position: N 47° 02' W 07° 26'

That is one of my greatest fears, since whales are quite big and therefore not as soft as one could think hitting one with Cantare would be disastrous. We would sink in a very short time and that would make it hard to collect as much survival equipment as we would like. Today it almost happened! I had taken over the wheel from Sofia when I noticed two black fins 10 meters from us. When Sofia saw them we screamed of joy, finally some company. I thought they were dolphins but when they started to swim towards us it became apparent that they were bigger than that. They came really close and when Sofia grabbed the hand rail to stabilize herself in case of a hit they dived just in front of our bow. Wow! Adrenaline was pumping and we couldn't stop talking about them. After a while they reappeared 20 meters behind us and we could see that there were three of them. We consulted our pilot book and have agreed on pilot whales. Since then two groups of dolphins have spent time playing in our bow waves. We have been able to sail for about 8 hours today but now the wind has decreased and we are forced to listen to our old noisy engine again. But the sun is shining and the water temperature has raised four degrees Celsius since we left Falmouth and is now up on 19 degrees. / The Captain

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  1. pgh Says:

    Häftigt, men lite för nära kanske :-) Var hade ni kamera/videokameran?! Sånt där måste förevigas ju.

    @ Lova Accent26

  2. Mattias Says:

    En häftig upplevelse, det måste jag säga. Visst finns det båtar som sjunkit efter att ha krockat med valar, men en B31:a är starkare byggd än de flesta. Jag tror att ni sitter rätt tryggt.

    En kollega som seglade till Västindien t.o.r. körde in i en val på natten när båda låg och sov (skepparen och valen alltså). Han har en långkölad Marieholm 26:a och klarade sig utan skador, varken på honom, valen eller båten. Han beskrev det som att köra in i en sandbank.

  3. Andreas Says:

    En vaken val är ofta inga problem....dem vill inte krocka med er heller. De flesta olyckor har skett när båtar seglat in i sovande valar. Så dessa valarna skojade nog bara lite med er :)

    Kom ihåg tre stora knölvalar mellan Suvorov och Samoa som lekte som bara den runt båten. När det blev mörkt bad man snällt att dem skulle simma vidare :) Men istället skräms dem med sina utblås när man sitter vid ratten mitt i natten.

    Andreas å Karin